Automate expert financial analysis & advisory

Software that enables accounting firms to provide expert analysis & advice at a fraction of the cost, in a matter of clicks.

Outperform the competition.

Provide better advice more efficiently. Win more clients, save time and money by automating the analysis.

Increase your profitability.

Handle more clients and scale further without sacrificing the quality of your advice. Expand your advisory services or add them to your services while keeping the costs down.

Impress your clients.

Identify issues in clients’ performance before they become a problem. Establish deeper relationships with your clients by giving them personalised advice.

Don't get left behind the changing industry trend.

Be the trusted advisor your clients need.

With the improving technology the demand for compliance services is shrinking, so do your margins. Advisory is the future of the industry. Your are in the best position to provide valuable advice your clients desperately need.

Notional business value.Notional equity value.Closing net debt.

Unlock the power of automated financial analysis in 3 simple steps.

Step 1 to connect to Advali analysis.

Create an account

Choose a pricing plan suitable for your practice

Step 2 to connect to Advali analysis.

Connect to Xero

Simply link Advali Analysis with your Xero account.

Step 3 to connect to Advali analysis.

View the analysis

View the business performance analysis.

Notional business value.

Developed by accountants for accountants.

And an internationally recognised finance professor.

Developed by Chartered Accountants, Advali Analysis uses a unique valuation methodology that is not available with any other software.

Patented Valuation Method

This is how Advali Analysis is able to link key financial performance metrics with business value.

DuPont Analysis.
DuPont Analysis
Abnormal earnings.
Abnormal Earnings


The fastest and most efficient way to provide advisory services.

Most accurate analysis methodology

Combining the DuPont and Abnormal Earnings models, Advali Analysis is uses the most accurate and reliable valuation methodology.

Only the metrics that matter

No unnecessary metrics and ratios. No clutter and confusion about what ratio to look at. Our software only shows you the metrics that are truly important.

Financial leverage gain, spread, net financial leverage.Operating return on assets, operating margin, operating asset turnover.Abnormal profit, actual return on equity.Business Performance Analysis Chart
Notional business value valuation analysis.

Abnormal profit

Notional Business Value

notional business value, notional equity value, closing net debt.

Notional Business Value

Financial analysis - working capital.

Financial Health Insights

  • Link financial performance metrics and business value

    Link financial performance metrics & business value

    The only software that links financial performance metrics with business value. Our patented formula links the DuPont analysis & Abnormal Earnings valuation methodologies. Giving you the power to see what's driving your business value.

    Notional business value valuation analysis.

    Abnormal profit

    Notional Business Value

  • Instant Business Valuation.

    Instant business valuation

    See the notional business value in one click. Just refresh your data and Advali Analysis will display an accurate value of the business in seconds.

    notional business value, notional equity value, closing net debt.

    Notional Business Value

  • Real time financial health insight.

    Real time financial health Insight

    Know exactly when your clients financial metrics are going off the track. Advali Analysis pulls the data automatically, so you have the most accurate analysis every time you login.

    Financial analysis - working capital.

    Financial Health Insights

Incredibly easy to set up.

If you have all of the report codes mapped, there is nothing you need to do to set everything up. Just link with Xero.

If you have not mapped your report codes yet, Advali Analysis will prompt you to do it.

Linking to xero.

Direct integration with Xero

Advali Analysis integrates directly with your clients Xero account in a matter of clicks.

Try For Free Today

Try Advali Analysis for free. No commitment, no obligation.